Micklin Korsuize

OATSHAKE is an independent photography magazine, created as an ode to the queer community and revolves around education, representation and inspiration.
OATSHAKE shows the beauty of queerness and at the same time teaches the viewer about the mono-, cis- and heteronormative society we still live in today. It also shows how we can make it more inclusive, both towards and within the LGBTQIA+ community. When I was 20, I discovered I was not straight. Since then I have experimented, done endless research and questioned the ways of our patriarchal heteronormative society. Now, a few years later, I proudly identify as Queer. We have suffered, discovered, explored and blossomed into the beautiful queer human beings of today. This is OATSHAKE.
www.OatshakeMag.com / www.Micklin.nl /@oatshake / @micklin.i / micklin@oatshake.com / hello@micklin.nl
Photographers> Riko Mei Miller (@rikomei), Max van der Voort (@creatiefregelnicht), Otmar Martina Jr. (@otmarxmartina), Micklin Korsuize (@micklin.i). Models > Vivian Lagerweij (@vivianlagerweijj), Millet Lin (@milletsara.lin), Zacquel Phipps (zxvq_20), Diessika del Cruz (@7venheavens), Robin (@dekletspot), Noah Savian (@noahsavian), Rochelle Ramos (@rrochelleramos), Marina Pollock (@_marinaella_), Dewi Hartono (@dewi_hartono_), Ruben Honer (@rubenhoner). Writers > Raisa Mulder (@raisamulder), Katja Brödel (@kaabart), André Souto (@soutone), Jordan Dittmar (@jord_dittmar). Poets > Nate Porter (@nataliaporter), Charlie Loopuyt (@charlieloopuyt), Chloe Dahl (@chloedahl), Nomovitz (@nomovitz). Webdesign > Danique Lammertink - Moïs Development (@moisdeveloptment / www.moisdevelopment.nl)