Freke Meijeraan

I have set up a platform where young people who have experienced parental loss at an early age can find each other to talk and make friends.
Each year, more than six thousand underage children lose one or both parents. In childhood, that loss is very difficult to cope with; the grieving process therefore often comes later in life. This can cause burnout or depression, for instance. To prevent this, it is important to be able to talk to others with a similar fate. The only problem is that young people often find it difficult to talk about this.
In the 'Fate Mates' app, young people who have lost their parent(s) can talk to each other and meet up. This way, they have friends in life who understand their grief. / 06-37300725 / / @byfrecklestudio - @frekemeijeraan / Linked-In: freke-meijeraan