

Ontwikkel je creatieve toekomst bij Artemis Academie! Bachelor of Arts in Allround Creative Concept Development. Schrijf je nu in!

Student work

Dewi Buys

Fotos land escape4


THE GREAT ANIMAL RESET is an fictional awareness campaign for Wakker Dier to expose abuses in the food industry, specifically in livestock farming. I do this with a transmedia campaign, with the aim of making people think consciously about their food choices.

My research shows that intensive livestock farming is a major environmental polluter and that there is great animal suffering. People often turn a blind eye to this; that has to change.

Since childhood, I have had a great love for animals and I have noticed the abuses in the livestock industry more and more. The awareness that it is okay for animal products to cost quite a bit more, because otherwise, it will be at the expense of animal welfare, has been completely lost.

dewibuys@gmail.com / 06-27577401 / @dewi.buys

Photographer > Sam van der Sluis (@svdsfvs) 

Models > Mies Beentjes (@miesbeentjes), Ismaël Wijnsma (@ismaelwijnsma), Luke van Veen (@luke.vv)


Student projects 2022

Explore the graduation projects from our 2022 graduates.