

Wil je zeker weten of de bachelor Allround Creative Concept Developer dé opleiding voor jou is?

Woensdagavond 12 februari 2025 start er weer een oriëntatiecursus. De toelatingsprocedure voor de bachelor is bij deze cursus inbegrepen.

Meer weten?

Je hebt deze module succesvol toegevoegd!

Student work

Janneke van Droogenbroeck


A research with a lot of questions, thoughts, knowledge, doubts and passion.

Loneliness and connection.

While our roots are flying through the air in the urge to find their grounding, the installation creates a conversation piece to bring this generation closer together. Answers aren’t given, but feelings are shared.

This is a way to draw attention to the book, ‘The Philosophy of Our 20s,’ which is filled with information and inspiration about identity formation and peer-to-peer support.

Aiming to provide some relief as we all try to figure ourselves and life out.


Studenten projecten 2024

Bekijk de afstudeerprojecten van onze 2024 afgestudeerden.