
Start oriëntatie-cursus

25 september starten we met een speciale oriënterende en voorbereidende cursus voor iedereen die zich wil klaarmaken voor de toelating tot de Bachelor of Arts studiejaar 25/26. 

Student work

Jenny Teeuwen


Formula 1 has always been a male-dominated sport. Over the past 72 years, approximately 760 drivers have raced in a Formula 1 Grand Prix. Only 5 of them were women.

I have designed a merchandise collection for Puma Motorsports and F1 Academy, a formula racing championship for women. The collection was inspired by the female history within Formula 1 and features subtle slogans that further support the mission and vision of F1 Academy.

This initiative aims to raise awareness of the challenges women face in motorsport, and to promote diversity on the track, making the sport more accessible and inclusive for all.


Studenten projecten 2024

Bekijk de afstudeerprojecten van onze 2024 afgestudeerden.