

A few spots have opened up for our Bachelor of Arts program. Sign up to begin your creative journey with us!

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Student work

Sterre Arsath Ro'is

Beeld 1 1920 x 1080 Sterre Arsath Rois


To improve animal welfare and encourage the pet industry to listen more to the needs of the animals, I designed the RABBITAT rabbit hutch in collaboration with Beeztees.

RABBITAT consists of several rooms, each inspired by the rabbit's species-specific behaviour with elements from the native habitat. In other words, design through the eyes of the animal.

Research has shown that rabbits are the least understood pets in the Netherlands. In current rabbit hutches, rabbits can hardly express natural behaviour such as digging and exploring. RABBITAT shows how we can continue to cohabitate with rabbits in a respectful way by listening more to the habits of the rabbit.

hello.studio.saar@gmail.com / www.studiosaar.wixsite.com/saar / @design.studio.saar / Linked-In: Sterre Arsath Ro’is

Beeld 3 1080x1080 Sterre Arsath Rois
Beeld 6 1080x1080 Sterre Arsath Rois


Student projects 2022

Explore the graduation projects from our 2022 graduates.