Sophie van Wijngaarden
ENTERING THE FEMALE GAZE is een bewustwordingscampagne met een short film die het belang van queer spaces voor queer vrouwen en non-binaire mensen laat zien. Dit project is een samenwerking met Janey, dit is een clubevenement voor queer vrouwen en non-binaire mensen.
Queer spaces give queer women the freedom to express themselves in the way they really want to. For them, Janey is an escape from today's society.
The male gaze is the lens through which a heterosexual man looks at the world. We all unconsciously look at ourselves through this lens. As a result, we automatically adjust our behaviour and limit our self-expression. According to my research, this affects queer women the most. It greatly hinders their self-development process. Because of this, they need an escape from our current society. / / @sophie.jacqueline
Models > @daniellanels0n, @samanthabonouvrie, @elif.yuksels, @liz_vd_jagt, @blikjecassis, @nikol.tuna
Location >
Company > @girlslovejaney