

Ontwikkel je creatieve toekomst bij Artemis Academie! Bachelor of Arts in Allround Creative Concept Development. Schrijf je nu in!

Student work

Rosalie Verweij

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ANTI FORMULA is a new skincare line that I developed in collaboration with The Abnormal Beauty Company where I want Generation Y to break free from the extreme impact social media has on their self-image. In doing so, I am launching a new social media platform where the focus is on transparency and reality. It's a fuck you to current social media channels and online content. No more false, filter, photoshopped fakeness! Enter the real world.

Copy paste copy paste.

It almost seems like a formula.

The toxic formula for the online pursuit of an unrealistic ideal, the drive for perfection and the eternal desperation for as many likes as possible. We are fixated on our appearance and its flaws. This has to stop!

rosalie.verweij@hotmail.com / 06-81653554 / www.rosalieverweij.com / @rosalieverweij_ / Linked-In: Rosalie Verweij

Darina Belonogova / Armin Rimoldi / cottonbro / Darina Belonogova / Ike Louie Natividad

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Student projects 2022

Explore the graduation projects from our 2022 graduates.