Isabel van der Gragt

BUDDY is an fictional app for Netflix. This app makes it easy to go out with your friends. Through the app, you can connect with other buddies and it also gives you options for what you can do together.
For hours I stared at my screen while watching a series on Netflix, the most popular streaming service among young people. I started to ask myself: What else could I have done during this time? My research shows that many young people suffer from screen addiction. They acknowledge this themselves but are unsure how to change it.
Netflix Buddy, see you soon! / www. / @izzystudio_ / Linked-In: @isabel-van-der-gragt
Models > Emma Douma (@emmajosephine_portfolio),Adebolaji Kemiki (@adeboshots), Lavinia Abdelkadir @laviniaabdel), Aidan Penman (@aidancosmopenman)
Muah > Floortje Stam (@floor_stam)
Photography> Rick van der Vlies (@rickvandervlies.dng)
Styling & art direction > Isabel van der Gragt