Alys Tegel

The underdog of sex: the female orgasm.
Women who have sex with men are reporting of unsatisfactory, bad, and painful sex at an alarming rate. For too long our sexual script has been centered on penetration and the male orgasm. This leaves us with one big question: “How come?” The culprit seems to be the lack of knowledge about the clitoris. This is a rather critical matter, as the majority of women only orgasm through its stimulation.
Aiming to close the orgasm gap, Satisfyer, the number one in innovation and powering human-centric sex technology, has set up a transmedia campaign containing a magazine, short video, and merchandise to spread awareness about this underdog of sex. Shifting more focus towards the clitoris and female pleasure for an ultimate climactic result. / +31 6 3728 3732 / www. / @alystegel / @alysfilmrol