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Student work

Abel Breunissen

Schermafbeelding 2024 03 22 om 12 11 39 PM


In the trend forecast RETRANSFORMATE, I go back to the drawing board to reshape the concepts of time, space and change.

The corona pandemic disrupted our rhythm; there was too much time and our living space became limited. As the world reopens, we have too many places to explore, but too little time on our hands. The need is growing to rearrange our lives according to our own rhythm. It's time for a transformation.

The forecast was developed for Random Studios, as inspiration for the experiences they create for brands. The three trend stories 'HIDE AND SEEK', 'SEEKING ESSENCE' and 'HEALFUL HIDEOUT' outline experiences that help consumers find a new (post-covid) reality.

abelbreunissen@gmail.com / @abelbreunissen / Linkedin: Abel Breunissen

Schermafbeelding 2024 03 22 om 12 11 49 PM


Student projects 2022

Explore the graduation projects from our 2022 graduates.